
Teacher Experience

Summer Retreat

Participating teachers were invited to attend a 3-day summer retreat led by project staff at Teachers College. Throughout the retreat, participants received a comprehensive overview of the project’s goals and objectives. The event fostered a sense of community, enhanced their familiarity with the technology equipment, provided opportunities to connect activities with the curriculum, and emphasized culturally responsive teaching practices.

Professional Development Workshop

In the PD workshops, teachers explore issues of elementary mathematics content, revisit principles of culturally relevant pedagogy, and further develop their own coding skills. As teachers plan for implementing developed activities, they reflect on their own understandings and possible misconceptions of elementary mathematics content.

In-class Mentoring

During in-class mentoring, teachers are supported by project team staff in implementing the curriculum and troubleshooting classroom issues (related to classroom management and technological glitches).

Student Experience

Class Implementation

Teachers observed high levels of engagement and excitement among students when using the Finch robot during the culturally relevant maths activities.

Guest Lectures

Dr. Robert Gyles - Professor of Mathematics Education at Hunter College - visited classrooms at P.S. 59 and P.S. 84 where he engaged and shared in conversation with first, second, and third grade students. More local STEM professionals of color will be recruited to volunteer as guest speakers at the schools.